QuickPar 0.9.1 Release Notes (4th July 2004) Top
New features  
  • A tooltip has been added to the verification window that displays the full text of any error messages if they would otherwise be too long to see the whole message.
Bugs fixed  
  • When repairing, if you click the Stop button whilst QuickPar was computing the RS matrix, or testing memory, it would not stop immediatly.
  • A code change that resulted in a drop in repair speed for some users has been corrected.
  • None.
Known problems  
  • Yenc PowerPost 2000 A&A version 10A creates .par and .par2 files with invalid MD5 Hash values. When QuickPar tries to use them to verify the associated data files, some of the data files may be reported as invalid when they are not damaged. Such files will still be reported as damaged after a repair attempt.
  • QuickPar may crash if you try to verify data files using a PAR2 set created with a very large block size (e.g. 100MB and upwards).

QuickPar 0.9 Release Notes (18th June 2004) Top
New features  
  • When "AutoRepair" is ticked, Files that are missnamed or damaged (with all blocks available) will be repaired immediatly.
  • The Options dialogue now includes checkboxes labelled "Repair Automatically" and "Monitor Automatically". These control the way the AutoRepair and Monitor Checkboxes in the verification window are set when you first open a PAR2 file.
  • When creating PAR2 files, QuickPar can now create split versions of the source files. Source files will be split into sizes that are exact multiples of the block size.
  • When creating PAR2 files or using them to repair, QuickPar will now ask for confirmation if you click the Stop button.
  • When verifying, QuickPar should now automatically recognise incomplete versions of files created by yDec that end with "(nnn).tmp".
  • When verifying files, it is now possible to right click on files in the file list to access the shell contect menu appropriate for that file. You can also double click a file to carry out the default action (which would normally be to open the file).
  • After verifying files successfully (or repairing), it is now possible to create extra PAR2 files by clicking the Extra button. QuickPar will display the dialogue for creating PAR2 files but all settings except those to specify how many new recovery blocks you want will be disabled.
  • After a succesfull Repair, QuickPar will now delete damaged and incomplete data files as well as the PAR2 files that are no longer required. QuickPar will always retain the small "index" PAR2 file. This feature may be configured via the Options dialogue.
Bugs fixed  
  • File renaming and block rejoining did not take place automatically when "AutoRepair" was ticked.
  • MD5 and SFV files where the last line does not end with CRLF should no longer result in QuickPar locking up.
  • When ReVerifying with SFV or MD5 files, QuickPar would incorrectly reverify files that it had already checked.
  • Localised versions of QuickPar would always report "Repair Succeeded in..." in English.
  • When F1 was pressed, an error dialogue would appear say that QuickPar.HLP could not be found. In future then Tutorial pages supplied with QuickPar will be displayed.
  • When verifying with SFV or MD5, if any files were present but damaged, the title bar of QuickPar would report this as if the files were missing. It now says "Missing or Damaged".
  • If two or more copies of QuickPar are monitoring the same folder and one of them carries out a repair, the other copies may mistakenly make a full scan of the newly repaired files.
  • If the last data block in a file consisted entirely of "0" bytes and that block is damaged, QuickPar would mistakely match a block of data that extends beyond the end of the file. This would result in a repair failure.
  • If an SFV or MD5 file was edited (e.g. to change the filenames) after QuickPar had used it to scan files, QuickPar would ignore the changes and use cached information.
  • When creating PAR2 files, it was possible to add the same file to the set more than once. This would lead to a PAR2 set that could not then be used to carry out a correct repair.
  • If two or more sets of PAR2 files with the same base filename are placed in the same folder then QuickPar will scan them all for recovery data but those whose set-id does not match the first PAR2 file that was opened will be marked with the words "Wrong Set". Recovery data in those PAR2 files cannot be used for repair. This also happens if you use the Add button and select PAR2 files that do not belong to the set. The count of recovery blocks found will now correctly reflect what is actually available for repair.
  • If you press Escape whilst creating PAR2 files, QuickPar would incorrectly act as if you had clicked the Stop button. It no longer does this.
  • If you adjust the height of the verification window or the creation window and exit by clicking the X button on the title bar or the Close option on the system menu, QuickPar would not remember the new height.
  • When using Add or Open dialogues whilst creating of verifying PAR2 files, QuickPar would not remember which folder you had used last.
  • Comment lines in SFV and MD5 files should no longer be treated as file lines if they contain what looks like a checksum.
  • When verifying files, those that have not yet been checked show a grey icon instead of red, green, or amber.
  • SFV and MD5 files and now listed as "Checksum Files" rather than as "Recovery Files".
  • When registering File Associations, QuickPar now adds the "AlwaysShowExt" value to the Windows' Registry to ensure that the .PAR, .PAR2, .MD5, and .SFV file extensions will always be visible.
  • You are now permitted to create a PAR2 set consisting of only the small PAR2 file with no recovery blocks.
  • When creating PAR2 files, if you select the option to have PAR2 files that are all the same size, then QuickPar will permit you specify that more than 30 PAR2 files should be created.
Known problems  
  • Yenc PowerPost 2000 A&A version 10A creates .par and .par2 files with invalid MD5 Hash values. When QuickPar tries to use them to verify the associated data files, some of the data files may be reported as invalid when they are not damaged. Such files will still be reported as damaged after a repair attempt.
  • QuickPar may crash if you try to verify data files using a PAR2 set created with a very large block size (e.g. 100MB and upwards).

QuickPar 0.8 Release Notes (January 27, 2004) Top
Bugs fixed  
  • If an error occured during the creation of PAR2 files or whilst using them to repair data files, the error would not be correctly reported. This is especially noticeable if a repair fails as QuickPar would simply say that it was ready to repair again.
  • Some of the International versions of QuickPar did not include the Windows Common Control manifest. This meant that they failed to use Windows XP Themes.
  • When verifying data files (especially if monitoring a download), if the newsreader software modified a file just as QuickPar was about to scan it, the scan would fail and QuickPar sometimes failed to make further attempts to scan that file. Under those circumstances it was necessary to use F5 to force a rescan.
  • Creating PAR2 files from data files on a network patch should now work correctly.
  • When creating PAR2 files and when using them to repair damaged data files, QuickPar will attempt to detect data corruptions caused by faulty memory. It does this by carrying out write/read tests on the memory buffers it uses, and confirming that checksums for recovery data match values that are precomputed.
  • After verifying data files, if the only problem detected is that some files have the wrong filename, then QuickPar will tell you how many files are incorrectly named, and relable the "Repair" button to "Rename".
  • After verifying data files, if all data blocks have been found but some of the data files do not verify correctly (possibly because the file set has been split), then QuickPar will tell you how many files are affected and relable the "Repair" button to "Rejoin".
  • In the verification dialogue, the "Clear" button has been removed and replaced by the "Open" button. The original (dual use) "Open/Add" button is now used only as the "Add" button.
  • QuickPar can now open and use .MD5 and .SFV files to verify data files. When using these files, QuickPar will not list the file size of any data file. It will also not automatically search for missnamed versions of any files. You must use the "Add" button to have QuickPar check missnamed files.
  • In the PAR2 creation dialogue, QuickPar now calculates and displays the total size of the resulting PAR2 files instead of the size of the recovery data within the PAR2 files.
  • The efficiency rating displayed when creating PAR2 files has been updated so that it shows the effect of both file size to block size rounding and the overhead caused by packet headers and verification data in the PAR2 files. This means that the displayed efficiency rating will drop if you use either very large or very small block sizes.
  • When verifying data files in a folder with many unrelated files, QuickPar should avoid scanning files unecessarily.
  • The About dialogue now includes clickable hyperlinks.
  • Italian and Danish have been added to the list of localised versions. Thanks to Armando La Mura and Jens Hyllegaard for their assistance in translating the text.
Known problems  
  • Unchanged.

QuickPar 0.7.5 Release Notes (October 19, 2003) Top
Bugs fixed  
  • If someone creates extra par2 files from a damaged set of source files and the damage was beyond the first 16k of the file, then the par2 set would have the same set-hash-id. QuickPar would mistakenly use the par2 files created from the damaged and undamaged source files when attempting to repair. Such repairs would of course fail. QuickPar now detects this and will report the extra par2 files as damaged.
  • Localised versions of QuickPar are now available in Dutch, French, German, Norwegian, Portugese, Spanish, and Swedish. Thanks to Etraman, Stefan Pleiner, Thore Harald Høye, Stéphane Simson, José Mira, Imanol Espasa, and Fabian Siegel for their work in translating the text. Anyone willing to assist in the creation of versions for other languages should let me know (email me at sourceforge - you'll find my address on the parchive home page).
Known Problems  
  • Yenc PowerPost 2000 A&A version 10A creates .par and .par2 files with invalid MD5 Hash values. When QuickPar tries to use them to verify the associated data files, some of the data files may be reported as invalid when they are not damaged. Such files will still be reported as damaged after a repair attempt.
  • If two sets of par2 files with the same base filename and placed in one folder, then QuickPar does not indicate in the file list which ones belong to which set and the total recovery block count displayed there will be incorrect. In the lower display, QuickPar does give the correct number of recovery blocks required (if there are not enough) and repair works correctly. This problem also occurs if you use the Add button to add par2 files that do not belong to the set.

QuickPar 0.7 Release Notes (September 24, 2003) Top
Bugs fixed  
  • When verifying a set of files in the same folder as a previous set with the same base filename, QuickPar would mistakenly use cached information from the previous verification and the recovery files would be ignored.
  • Verifying using par1 files created by par1cmdline that list non recoverable files only in the .PAR file is now possible. Previously QuickPar required that the file lists in all par files be identical.
  • After verifying files, if you click the "New" button to create more par2 files, the window would open with an incorrect size (and could not be resized).
  • If you create a set of par2 files in a folder and verify it and then create a second set of par2 files in the same folder with the same filename, QuickPar will mistakenly use the information in the cache file from the first par2 set. QuickPar now deletes the existing cache file when creating new par2 files.
  • When verifying par2 files, if the par2 client name was an exact multiple of 4 characters in length it would not display correctly.
  • When creating par2 files, if the block size is set too large the efficiency rating may drop. If the limit drops below a limit (set in the Options dialogue) warn the user when the Create button is pressed.
  • When verifying, par1 files whose base name is different from the first par file will be automatically detected and loaded.
Known Problems  
  • Yenc PowerPost 2000 A&A version 10A creates .par and .par2 files with invalid MD5 Hash values. When QuickPar tries to use them to verify the associated data files, some of the data files may be reported as invalid when they are not damaged. Such files will still be reported as damaged after a repair attempt.
  • If two sets of par2 files with the same base filename and placed in one folder, then QuickPar does not indicate in the file list which ones belong to which set and the total recovery block count displayed there will be incorrect. In the lower display, QuickPar does give the correct number of recovery blocks required (if there are not enough) and repair works correctly. This problem also occurs if you use the Add button to add par2 files that do not belong to the set.
Copyright © 2003 Peter B. Clements. All Rights Reserved.